Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why College is not for Everyone

In our society it is stressed and pushed into teenagers minds that they NEED to go to college otherwise they will never live a happy life. Now if we were to look at it rationally sure if you want to be a doctor, lawyer or a business person, college would be the place to go and you probably already know that. But lets say you want to be an entertainer, writer, photographer, or even a business owner; now of course you could go to college and get more knowledge on all of these things but you wouldn't necessarily have to, and that is perfectly fine!

A big misconception is that in order to get a "good" job you need to have a college education and this may be true depending on what line of work you are going into but this is not true for everyone. We need to stop telling all teenagers that they need to go to college especially if in the end their college degree with be basically useless when they realize that what they want to do they didn't even need to go to college. Everyday people are finding ways to show companies that not having a college degree doesn't mean they aren't qualified to do the work they need to get done. A lot of the time it is very easy to get the qualifications for jobs through general life knowledge other than school work or job history.

Some times it is just hard for people to learn is classroom environments and it is a lot easier (and more fun) to experience and learn through life lessons. Learning through experience is one of the best ways for someone to learn especially if they have a hard time learning from someone talking at them or memorizing.

Every single person is different and sometimes we forget that. We definitely need to start realizing that our society is evolving daily.  Every day things are changing and growing for the better including our education system and our workplaces.

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