Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Why You Should Never "Wait For Someone"

I think we can all agree it is hard to let people go, especially if you care for them. But the one thing I have learned in the first year of my twenties is that you should never wait for someone, and you should never ask anyone to wait for you. Sure at first it might seem easy, but agreeing to wait for someone is essentially telling that person that they can take their time doing whatever they want to do before they "are ready" for you and you will still be there. And asking for someone to wait for you is asking someone to throw away other potential relationships and opportunities that could be life changing for them.

But like I said it can be hard not to wait for someone you care about. The one thing you always have to remember is if someone truly wants to be with you they will find a way. They will do anything in their power to be with you. Someone who truly cares for you would never ask you to wait for them because they would figure out a way to be with you.

And on the other hand, asking someone to wait for you is asking someone to put their own life on hold because you are being selfish.

And I am not saying I am perfect because I am far from that. We all make mistakes and it is hard to not want to try and have everything that we want to have. But in the end a relationship, whether it is just a friendship or more, is a two way street. Being selfish in a relationship is well selfish.

Trying to start a relationship while you are not ready to be in one is a recipe for disaster.

So the one lesson I want to share with you all is that you will never be able to successfully hold any relationship if you are not happy with your life as a singular person. Learn to love what you have, or change what you don't, before you try and love anyone else.

Late Night Thoughts: Why I Support Planned Parenthood

I have recently gone to Planned Parenthood for the first time ever.