Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Best Piece of Advice I was Ever Given

I sent this text to one of my best friends when I was going through a rough time and she was trying to find ways to cheer me up. This has always been something that I have believed in. I am not sure where I had heard it from or if I had made it up in my own mind but the thought keeps me calm. The idea is that in your lifetime God has the same amount of bad things as he does good things that will happen to you, they will just spread out differently person to person. For instance, someone could experience all of good things in their childhood and have all the bad things hit in their adulthood, but another person could have a bad childhood but a good adulthood. This idea makes me feel better because it reassures me that when I am having a series of bad times that good times are to come.

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Late Night Thoughts: Why I Support Planned Parenthood

I have recently gone to Planned Parenthood for the first time ever.