Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quotes to Make You Feel Better

1) Crying isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long.

2) Remember, you don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of.

3) The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth.

4) I've never met a strong person with an easy past.

5) Sometimes you don't need to hear their excuses or what they have to say for themselves because their actions already spoke the truth. 

6) My love is unconditional. My trust and my respect are not.

7) It's okay to be happy with a calm life.

8) Just be yourself. Let the people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person you are.

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Late Night Thoughts: Why I Support Planned Parenthood

I have recently gone to Planned Parenthood for the first time ever.