Monday, December 12, 2016

A Letter to my Family

Thank you.

Thank you for supporting me; emotionally, financially and physically.
Thank you for not giving up on me when all I wanted to do was give up on myself.
Thank you for not crushing my crazy dreams but encouraging me.
Thank you for helping me learn the lessons I didn't want to learn.
Thank you for always being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thank you for being real with me when I am making mistakes.
But also thank you for letting me make my own mistakes.

Thank you mom.
Thank you dad.
Thank you John.
I feel like I haven't truly thanked you guys for everything you guys do for me.

Thank you Chelsea.
Thank you Spencer.
I couldn't have asked for better siblings to lean on when I need it.

Thank you to all of my Grandparents.
Without your support and stories I wouldn't be the person I am today.
I know I don't say it enough but I love your stories about when you were young.

Thank you to my Aunts and Uncles.
Thank you for your crazy humor and indescribable love for me. 

Thank you to my cousins.
You guys are my best friends.
Thank you for always being there to talk to when I feel like I can't talk to anyone else.
Thank you for taking me in and loving me.

In our society we don't say thank you enough to the people who are always there. We take advantage of them.

I want to thank my family for being amazing wonderful people.

I love you guys.

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