Sunday, July 16, 2017

Stream of Consciousness |7.10.2017|

I have been told whenever you have writers block to start writing whatever comes to mind first and the words will just flow out. So I'm sitting here writing about writers block while I cannot think of anything to write about. Life has been good recently. I have seemed to get a lot of things figured out. I finally feel settled in my life and where I am and where I am going. It's nice to finally feel comfortable knowing I have stability and a few attainable goals for my future. Would yu consider dreams and goals one in the same, or completely different? When I say "goals" I tend to mean attainable things I want to do within the next few years as when I say "dreams" I am usually talking about the big things I would love to do someday but will probably never happen. For example, I have a goal to keep this blog up and hit more views in a year and I have a dream to move to LA and be an author or actress or something of the sort. So would that mean goals and dreams are different because you can always make your dreams into a goal and technically a goal is a dream, but is a dream a goal? Only if you make it one, right? I feel like this isn't going anywhere but also I just had a thoughtful debate with myself about goals and dreams so it must be working. Writers block sucks. I don't even know if I'll post this or just keep it for me to see later. Well I guess that's all I am going to do tonight as I can't even think of anything random to write about. It's almost as if my mind is completely blank for the first time ever in my life.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a blank mind is a luxury. �� My dream has always been to go to a foreign country to teach children how to read and to spread the gospel. I met some goals along the way and have taught children to read and have spread the gospel but not in a foreign country so I guess a dream is a major goal that you take smaller steps (goals) towards. Good thoughts!!


Late Night Thoughts: Why I Support Planned Parenthood

I have recently gone to Planned Parenthood for the first time ever.