Sunday, April 17, 2016

2015 at a Glance

2015 has been a crazy year for me. I started the year off in Mexico with my family and a bad case of mono but soon the year escalated into a very eventful and amazing time. 
January consisted of relaxing and recovering from mono and my first semester of college. I was home for winter break for most of January and took advantage of that time to bum around. It wasn't until the end of January that I was reunited with my best friends and moved back into school for my second semester.
As February and March rolled around I had made more and more memories. Including getting free pie on Pi day just for knowing the numbers in Pi, random photo shoots around campus, getting snapchats from my favorite musicians complimenting my nose ring, international dinners and parties, trips to Chicago and Janesville, and many more adventures.
April was my birthday month and therefore very adventurous, my mom got me a selfie stick for my birthday so me and my friends decided to take it absolutely everywhere.
As May came along I got sick again, pink eye in both eyes, and exams came and went. We all moved out of our dorms and it was a sad time. We took this moment to bond by taking another photo shoot with my selfie stick.
At the beginning of June I got the opportunity to go to my little brothers 8th grade graduation. It was super exciting to see him all grown up with his bow tie moving on to high school. I then got a few days off at the beginning of June in between exams and my first day of work for the summer. I worked first shift at a printing factory in Green Bay and it was actually pretty fun. I made good friends there and the days always went by pretty fast. A few weeks after I started work I also started my first online summer class. I was taking three online classes during the summer to help get a few of my general classes out of the way. They were three week classes and were pretty easy.
During June I met one of my friends, Katie, in Little Chute for Cheesefest to see Andy Grammer perform. It was super fun to see Katie again and I love Andy Grammer and cheese so it was a pretty cool time.
June went by pretty fast and soon enough it was July and I was getting ready for the first concert I had planned for the summer. The weekend of the 4th was going to be very busy as my best friend, Val, was going to come to Green Bay and we were going to go to Summerfest in Milwaukee and see Ed Sheeran headline on the 3rd and then on the 4th we were going to go to Oshkosh and visit our other friend and watch the parade there. After the parade we were planning to drive a few hours to my cabin up north. Now keep in mind we got very little sleep after this concert and it is still the Forth of July. We were exhausted by the time we got to my cabin, we had probably gotten maybe four hours of sleep and I have driven at least 6 hours just that morning. The rest of the weekend we spent swimming, ATVing, eating, sitting by a bonfire, setting of fireworks, watching fireworks, goofing off, but mostly driving all across Wisconsin. It was one of my favorite memories of 2015 and I am so lucky to have shared it with such wonderful people.
The rest of July went by smoothly and I continued working and studying and before I knew it, it was August and it was time for my next concert. This one was probably the one I was most excited for. 5 Seconds of Summer is one of my all time favorite bands and I have never seen them live before. I was meeting my roommate and friend, Katie, in Milwaukee and we would pick up her friend Sarah and then drive down to Kenosha where we were staying the night at Katie's aunts house. The concert was in Chicago and we were all very excited. We got there right as the gates were opening to park and we ended up getting a good parking spot. We waited in the car for a while until they opened the doors since it was very hot outside and we had lawn seats. The concert was incredible. I cried through the whole thing, lost my voice even though I had a very important meeting the next day at school, and even threw up a little during one of my favorite songs. We all danced like crazy and it was an atmosphere I can't figure out how to describe in words.
August was the end of my summer and I was moving into school again. Except this time I was moving myself in, and it was the same day as my One Direction concert. I ended up leaving my house when it was still dark out, 5:30 am sounds about right, give or take a bit. I drove the approximate 3 hours to school with my Chevy Cruise filled to the top with almost all of my things, everything that could fit. When I got to school I checked in, got my room key and with the help of my friend, Amy, who I was bring to One Direction, we started moving my stuff in. Now it was going great until I locked myself out of my building, panicked for about 15 minutes and needed to get a spare ID in order to keep moving my stuff in. We finished moving my stuff in with just enough time to get ready for the concert and get something to eat once we get to Milwaukee. We drove the hour to Milwaukee ate a quick lunch and realized we had a bit more time before they would open parking. So we did what any 19 year old would do if they had time before their One Direction concert. We made very glittery posters inside my car because why would we do it outside (sorry mom). We got to Miller Park and by the time we parked there were so many small girls it was insane but we soon met some 23 year olds who have been to like 15(?) One Direction concerts including 3 of this same tour already so we didn't feel bad anymore. The concert was amazing. I cried a lot. Niall Horan is my favorite and he was so close to me, it was amazing. By the end of the night we were so hyped up and excited it felt like nothing could bring us down until we tried to get out of Miller Park and it took us easily an hour. We finally got out and back to my roommate, Katie's, house where we were staying. By that time it was about 2:30 maybe 3:30 am and I have been up for almost 24 hours. I feel asleep immediately and got a few hours of sleep before I had to be awake to go back to school the next morning.
September started and I got a job at the Center for Students with Disabilities. I started out as a dispatcher and now I am also a driver in the transportation department. Through CSD I got the opportunity to meet Timeflies, a band I really like, who was our schools band for our beginning of the year concert.
The beginning of September I got the opportunity to also go to UWMs opening concert and see my favorite rapper, Hoodie Allen, and also another favorite band, Twenty one Pilots. Me and my roommate went and ended up getting 3rd row seats behind the pit. It was one of the coolest concerts I have ever been to.
A huge thing that happened for me in 2015 was my tattoo.
Me and my roommate set out to get the lead singer, Nick Petricca, and the bassist, Kevin Ray, from Walk the Moon to write out tattoos for us. The tattoos would say "we carry each other" from their song Different Colors. After a bit of twitter bothering, Nick responded a few times and wrote out my tattoo for me. We were still waiting for Kevin to write out Katie's for her, until one night in September when he messaged it to her and that was that. The only other thing we needed to do was to actually get them on our bodies. The next weekend we took a trip to the tattoo parlor and got them done.
2015 was a big year for me emotionally. I did a lot of thinking and self-discovery. Throughout 2015 I slowly started to figure out who I am as a person and what I want to do with my life. I have recently come out to the world as bisexual and genderfluid and I couldn't be more happy. I have commemorated the day that I came out to my family and friends through a tattoo. It was very difficult for me to come out to everyone because I knew that once I did that everyday for the rest of my life I will need to repeat that to people. I didn't know what to expect the reactions to be. I knew that there would be people who supported me, but you never know peoples views. Everyone was so supportive and incredible I was so happy. I wanted to commemorate that day in a way that I could always remember that people aren't what society makes them out to be. I am who I am and I have people who love me.
I have also changed my emphasis to English Creative Writing. I slowly figuring out exactly what I want to do with my degree and life after college.
I have had such an amazing year filled with amazing memories with amazing people. Spotify has there year in rewind in December to see stats every year of what you have listened to the most and things like that. These statistics are just from Spotify, these does not include other streaming services or my own music library. Apparently according to Spotify, I have listened to 37,000 minutes of music on Spotify in 2015.
I cannot wait to see what 2016 has in store for me and everything I have planned.

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